About the Author
Will Williamson is a director of The JDR Group and has been working with business owners for more than 10 years. He has personally overseen the website development and marketing for over 700 companies.
Download 'The ULTIMATE Small Business Guide To Mobile Marketing'
If you haven't already noticed, the world has gone mobile. More than 50% of the UK now own a smart phone and tablets like the iPad have been taking off.
And guess what? It's changing consumer behaviour. It's changing your customer's behaviour.
It also gives you some fantastic opportunities, and in this comprehensive, 29-page guide, you'll learn everything you need to know about how to reach your customers on their smart phones and tablets.
The book includes:
- A guide to Mobile Commerce (M-commerce)
- Mobile websites - how to know when you need one, how they benefit you and what your options are
- Mobile apps - how they work, how you can use them and how you can get people to download them
- Mobile app vs mobile website (or both) - which do you need?
- QR Codes and how to use them
- SMS marketing - the untapped potential for marketing
- Developing your mobile strategy

From the author of 'Local Business Marketing - Online', this free download gives you everything you need to know about how to steal a march on your competitors by harnessing the power of mobile marketing.